Cosa si intende per quote stuffing?
2.2.3 Quote stuffing Lo stuffing è una tecnica ad alta frequenza in base alla quale un operatore intasa intenzionalmente le reti e il motore di abbinamento con un gran numero di ordini limite e con le loro successive cancellazioni.
Cosa sono i dati ad alta frequenza?
cosiddetti dati ad alta frequenza, ovvero osservazioni registrate in tempo reale sui mercati. Viceversa, tempi di attesa più lunghi sono indice di una maggiore calma dei mercati, poiché si ritiene che il prezzo corrente sia pros- simo al suo valore di equilibrio.
What is a market maker in options?
As we have mentioned, market makers keep their own portfolios that consist of a large number of different options contracts. They trade in large volumes and are able to buy options from traders wishing to sell and sell them to traders wishing to buy.
How does a market maker work a short order?
The market maker would “work” the order by shorting stock in the open market and close out the trade by purchasing the institutional order. Market makers are allowed to make agency trades and principle trades so if they short an additional 50,000 shares knowing they can drive down the price to cover, it’s doable and not illegal.
What is a’market maker’?
What is a ‘Market Maker’. A market maker is a “market participant” or member firm of an exchange that also buys and sells securities at prices it displays in an exchange’s trading system for its own account which are called principal trades and for customer accounts which are called agency trades.
Can a market maker push down a stock price?
If a market maker wants to push down a stock price, then they take the risk of getting squeezed and vice versa. However, if a market maker has an institutional order to sell 1,000,000 shares of XYZ, chances are it will make a negative material impact on the share price.