Che cosa fece Tolomeo?
Forse il più grande astronomo dell’antichità, si può considerare il fondatore dell’astrometria. Compilò il più accurato catalogo stellare dell’antichità, pervenutoci grazie a Tolomeo, in cui riportò le coordinate celesti di oltre 1000 stelle, ordinate in sei classi di …
Che cos’è la teoria tolemaica?
In sostanza, secondo la teoria tolemaica, la Terra è immobile al centro dell’universo e ha forma sferica, mentre i corpi celesti si trovano su sfere concentriche e si muovono di moto circolare, compiendo un complicato moto di rivoluzione.
Che cosa sostengono la teoria tolemaica e quella copernicana?
Il sistema tolemaico è un modello geocentrico che collocava la Terra al centro del Sistema Solare, e che fu sostituito dal sistema copernicano, il primo vero modello eliocentrico che poneva il Sole al centro del nostro sistema.
What is Ptolemy’s Geography?
Ptolemy’s Geography is the only book on cartography to have survived from the classical period and one of the most influential scientific works of all time. Written in the second century AD, for more than fifteen centuries it was the most detailed topography of Europe and Asia available and the best reference on how to gather data and draw maps.
What happened to Ptolemy’s map of the world?
The original treatise by Marinus of Tyre that formed the basis of Ptolemy’s Geography has been completely lost. A world map based on Ptolemy was displayed in Augustodunum (Autun, France) in late Roman times.
When was Ptolemy’s Geography translated from Arabic to Latin?
Ptolemy’s Geography was translated from Arabic into Latin at the court of king Roger II of Sicily in the 12th century CE. However, no copy of that translation has survived.
When was the first Ptolemy map made?
A world map based on Ptolemy was displayed in Augustodunum ( Autun, France) in late Roman times. Pappus, writing at Alexandria in the 4th century, produced a commentary on Ptolemy’s Geography and used it as the basis of his (now lost) Chorography of the Ecumene.