Come funziona il salta fila Mirabilandia?
Il Flash Pass Gold ti dà la possibilità di accedere un numero illimitato di volte alle attrazioni che preferisci (non consente l’accesso alle prime file). Il braccialetto è strettamente personale e non può essere ceduto.
Come funziona l’entrata a Mirabilandia?
Il biglietto di ingresso include l’accesso a tutte le attrazioni disponibili, agli spettacoli e a tutte le aree tematiche del Parco; non include l’ingresso alle aree a pagamento di Mirabilandia (es. Simulatori Motion Sphere di Ducati World) e a Mirabeach. Il biglietto ha validità di 1 giorno.
What is the MaxPass at Disneyland?
MaxPass is a paid enhancement to the FASTPASS system, costing $20 per ticket per day. MaxPass enhances your FASTPASS experience in the following two ways. First, it allows you to make FASTPASS reservations using the Disneyland app on your phone (we’ll show you how below).
What is FASTPASS at Disneyland and how do I use it?
What Is FASTPASS At Disneyland Resort And How Do I Use It? FASTPASS is Disney’s free “skip the line” system for its most popular rides. Without MaxPass (covered below), to use FASTPASS for a ride, you will: Visit the FASTPASS kiosk for the ride (usually, but not always, located right near that ride’s entrance)
Can I purchase a Fastpass with my MaxPass?
You can purchase MaxPass for everyone in your party, but you cannot purchase MaxPass for people who have not entered a park yet or whose tickets you have not linked to your account. Once you have a ticket with MaxPass and have entered the park, using MaxPass to book a FASTPASS is easy.
What is a Fastpass time slot?
Your FASTPASS time slot is (generally) the same as everyone else grabbing a FASTPASS at that time, but you don’t have to go to the kiosk. Second, the maximum amount of time you’ll have to wait between booking a FASTPASS is 90 minutes instead of two hours.