Come funziona il pacemaker artificiale?
Il pacemaker artificiale è uno stimolatore cardiaco composto da una generatore con batteria largo circa 5 cm e dallo spessore inferiore a 1 cm e da uno o più cavetti (detti elettrocateteri) che in un senso trasmettono al dispositivo i segnali provenienti dal cuore e dall’altro trasportano al cuore gli impulsi prodotti …
Come impiantano il pacemaker?
Il pace-maker viene impiantato dall’elettrofisiologo (un cardiologo che si occupa delle aritmie del cuore) durante un breve ricovero. L’apparecchio viene inserito, in anestesia locale, attraverso un piccolo taglio eseguito nella parte alta del petto.
What should you expect when living with a pacemaker?
Living with a pacemaker means planning for every eventuality—including the possibility of emergency treatment when you’re not conscious and able to tell health providers about your pacemaker. Your doctor can provide you with a pacemaker ID card that contains information about your specific type of pacemaker .
What are the risks of having a pacemaker?
Blood clots. A blood clot can develop in one of the veins in the arm on the side of the body where the pacemaker was fitted.
Why you may not realize you need a pacemaker?
While not all heart conditions or irregular heartbeats are treated with pacemakers, there are some signs to indicate who needs a pacemaker. If you experience any of these conditions, see your doctor for a checkup. 1. You frequently get lightheaded or dizzy.
What are the side effects of having a pacemaker?
– Breathlessness – Chest pain – Dizziness – Fainting – Fever lasting longer than 2-3 days – Pain, redness, or swelling at the site of the pacemaker – Prolonged hiccups – Prolonged weakness – Swollen arm on the side of the surgery