Cosa vuol dire iceberg in italiano?
iceberg ‹àisbëëġ› s. ijsberg, comp. di ijs «ghiaccio» e berg «monte», propr. «monte di ghiaccio»] (pl.
Perché iceberg galleggia?
Perché gli iceberg galleggiano? Un iceberg galleggia perché la densità dell’acqua allo stato solido è minore rispetto a quella dell’acqua allo stato liquido.
Cosa significa lasso temporale?
loc. s.m. periodo, intervallo di tempo: in un breve lasso di tempo.
Come si scrive iceberg in inglese?
An iceberg is a large, tall piece of ice floating in the sea.
What does the name Iceberg mean?
– A huge mass of ocean-floating ice which has broken off a glacier or ice shelf The Titanic hit an and sank. – (US, slang) An aloof person. – (figuratively, after an adjective) An impending disastrous event whose adverse effects are only beginning to show, in reference to one-tenth of the volume of an iceberg being visible above water.
What are facts about ICEBERG?
About 100 000 icebergs constantly float In the coastal waters of Antarctica.
What does iceberg mean in Urban Dictionary?
Iceberging in Community Dictionary The action taken generally speaking by old people of cycling inside sea. It will always be a practice undertaken during cold temperatures, though can also be seen as iceburging if the weather is considered because of the most the city to be also cold for swimming. by Elton Report definition
What does iceberg mean?
The iceberg phenomenon describe a situation in which a large percentage of a problem is subclinical, unreported, or otherwise hidden from view. Thus, only the “tip of the iceberg” is apparent to the epidemiologist. What does it mean to be a systems thinker?