Dove vivono i pesci neon?
Il neon è originario dell’Amazzonia, dove abita il bacino idrografico del fiume Solimões, frequentando acque torbide e calme.
Come si allevano i neon?
L’acqua dell’acquario per allevare questa specie di pesci deve essere dolce, con un ph di 5-6 e una temperatura di 25°C. Inoltre bisogna inserire nella vasca un sistema di filtrazione (filtro) in modo tale da eliminare le feci e la sporcizia e quindi i batteri presenti nell’acquario.
Cosa mangiano i piccoli neon?
Come alimentare il pesce neon Puoi offrire ai tuoi pesci neon tutti i tipi di mangime vivo e congelato che troverebbe nel suo habitat naturale, come ad esempio l’Artemia salina, le larve rosse di zanzara e pulci d’acqua. Inoltre questo pesce apprezza anche il mangime in fiocchi o compresse.
Cosa dare da mangiare ai pesci neon?
What is a neon tetra?
The Neon Tetra is a common species of freshwater fish. In the wild, this fish lives primarily in the Amazon River Basin in South America. However, you can find this brightly-colored fish virtually worldwide, as humans like to keep it as a pet in home aquariums. Read on to learn about the Neon Tetra.
Where do neon tetras live in the wild?
In the wild, this fish lives primarily in the Amazon River Basin in South America. However, you can find this brightly-colored fish virtually worldwide, as humans like to keep it as a pet in home aquariums. Read on to learn about the Neon Tetra.
Do neon tetras get along with African cichlids?
For the most part, Neon Tetras will get along well with any other non-aggressive fish when in a community tank. This means fish like African Cichlids and bettas are not a good match at all. Even if you’ve paird them with non-aggressive fish, you need to make sure the tankmates are not large enough to swallow them!
Why is my neon tetra not fighting Ich?
Upon entering maturity, the parasite with leave a wound on your fish. Neons can succumb to ich if not helped. Cold water will weaken the immune system of a tropical fish like Neon tetras. A fish with a weakened immune system will be less able to fight off ich.