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What is MTSS (multi-tiered system of support)?
RtI and PBIS areMTSS – multi-tiered systems of support. MTSS is considered a comprehensive approach to meeting the academic and behavior needs of students. Provides support for ALL learners – struggling and advanced.
What is MTSS/RTI?
Intensive Individualized Early Intervention Wellness Promotion/Prevention MTSS: Frameworkfor organizing a continuum of interventions RtI Data-driven Decision- making Process Screening Analysis/ Interpretation Progress Monitoring MTSS/RtI Implementation Common Goals EnsureLL students get A appropriate instruction & supports
What do you think about MTSs?
The academic side of MTSS has received a substantial amount of attention, and the technology and implementation are fairly well-developed. Behavior, on the other hand, has a great deal of variation and the technologies for implementation and evaluation are not always as straight-forward.
What is PBS In MTSs?
Positive Behavior Supports within an MTSS Problem-Solving Framework Positive Behavior Support What is PBS? The application of evidence-based strategies and systems to assist schools to improve academic performance, enhance school safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish positive school cultures