Cosa contiene il Nuperal?
Nuperal contiene saccarosio Questo farmaco contiene saccarosio. Qualora il proprio medico curante abbia rilevato un’intolleranza ad alcuni tipi di zuccheri, rivolgersi a lui prima di assumere il farmaco.
Come si chiamano i farmaci per dormire?
I farmaci più usati, esattamente come per scopo ansiolitico, sono le benzodiazepine. Esistono poi alcuni derivati benzodiazepinici (Dalmadorm, Felison, Halcion, Minias, Roipnol, ecc.) e altri farmaci che, pur avendo composizione diversa dalle benzodiazepine, hanno un effetto sedativo (Nottem, Stilnox, Buspar, ecc.).
What are the side effects of doxylamine?
Side effects of doxylamine include: minor anticholinergic effects dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, dizziness, decreased sweating, difficulty urinating; This document does not contain all possible side effects and others may occur. Check with your physician for additional information about side effects.
How long does doxylamine succinate stay in your body?
The half-life of doxylamine succinate is approximately 10 hours, which means that after 10 hours, half of the medication has been broken down by the body. The main organ that metabolizes it is the liver. Hence it will stay in body for not more than 40 hours.
Does doxylamine succinate cause brain damage?
If you’re concerned about whether you may have problems using doxylamine, you should first consult with your doctor. Negative drug interactions are also a risk, especially with other medications that affect the brain, so be sure to review your medications with your doctor or pharmacist before starting to use doxylamine.
Is doxylamine succinate a muscle relaxant?
They have increased the level of caffeine in syndol (did it just before they took it off sale for a while) so it doesn’t make you as sleepy in general. Its a painkiller that contains paracetamol and codiene but they add the Doxylamine Succinate as a muscle relaxant.