Come si usa microlife pressione?
Durante la misurazione
- Non parlare.
- Stai seduto con la schiena appoggiata a un supporto.
- Posiziona il bracciale al centro del braccio. (2-3 cm sopra al gomito)
- Mantieni il braccio rilassato e all’altezza del cuore.
- Non incrociare le gambe.
- Mantieni i piedi ben appoggiati a terra.
Come funziona il termometro microlife?
Rileva la temperatura in 60 secondi e con un segnale acustico avvisa quando la misurazione è stata completata. L’ultima misurazione effettuata viene automaticamente memorizzata per tenere sotto controllo le variazioni di temperatura. Rileva la temperatura in 60 secondi.
What is a Microlife blood pressure monitor?
Microlife manufactures blood pressure monitors for home use. Its products have a large, easy-to-read display and come with several features, such as automatic pressure reading and memory storage. This article discusses the Microlife brand, the products it offers, and how blood pressure affects health. What is Microlife?
Which is better Omron or Microlife BP A200 Plus?
Comparison of Microlife BP A200 Plus and Omron M6 blood pressure monitors to detect atrial fibrillation in hypertensive patients These results indicate that OMRON M6 is more accurate than Microlife BP A200 Plus in detecting AF in patients with essential hypertension.
What is Microlife’s AFIB Technology?
The Microlife AFIB technology is the only clinically proven technology, that can detect Atrial Fibrillation (AF) during blood pressure measurement worldwide. Click here to read more about the AFIB technology.
How often should I Have my Microlife blood pressure monitor tested?
We recommend Microlife blood pressure monitors to be tested for accuracy every 2 years or after mechanical impact (e.g. being dropped). First, select the product that you want to have waited and then use our ticket system which is embedded below each product support page.