Che cosa vuol dire board in italiano?
2 (slab of material) tavola f., tavoletta, f., asse f., pannello m. 3 (fig) (table) mensa f., desco m. 4 (for board games) tabellone m., tavola f.; (chessboard) scacchiera f.
Come si dice in inglese Lego?
s.m.inv. Lego, building block.
Come si dice in inglese mattoncini Lego?
Lego block, a piece of Lego, also US: Lego n.
Come si dice in inglese giocare con i Lego?
Amava giocare con i lego quando era piccolo. He loved playing with legos when he was a kid.
Perché si dice sciapo?
Il sostantivo francese cappello si scrive chapeau, al singolare, e chapeaux, al plurale. Essendo un termine di origine francese chapeau (‹šapó›) in italiano suona come sciapò: l’accento grave indica che la vocale o deve essere pronunciata aperta come, ad esempio, nella parola però.
What is a a board?
A board can be a chalkboard. A board can also be a circuit board. She sits on the board of several large companies. [ I ] Flight 701 to Los Angeles is now boarding at gate 14A. [ T ] We board our dogs at the kennel when we go away. The board has decided to reject the offer. Club manager, Gomez, insists he has the full backing of the board.
How do you know if a board of Directors is full?
Consider a full board but with the top-left and top-right squares missing. In particular, the dual of the empty board is a full board and conversely. I also hope to press on quickly with the appointment of the full board of 10 members, including the chairman. Esempi tratti dall’archivio Hansard.
What is the meaning of Bring on board?
on board. as part of a group or team, especially for a special purpose: Let’s bring Rob on board for the Saudi deal – he’s the expert. SMART Vocabulary: parole e frasi correlate.
Why were children boarded out of school?
Poverty was the main reason why children were boarded out, frequently associated with loss of parents and difficulties in providing for a large household. The government therefore set up a marketing-board type of purchasing arrangement, with higher, fixed producer prices.