Che pianta è la Scutellaria?
La Scutellaria è una pianta erbacea perenne dalle cui radici si estrae una droga che agisce a sostegno delle naturali difese dell’organismo. Si tratta di una pianta utilizzata in fitoterapia perché vanta molte proprietà benefiche e agisce come sedativo naturale, antinfiammatorio e antiallergico.
A cosa serve la Baicalina?
Coadiuvante per Naturali difese dell’organismo, funzione digestiva, funzione epatica, funzionalità articolare. La Baicalina è un flavone, un tipo di flavonoide e viene estratta dalle radici della Scutellaria.
Che effetto fa il biancospino?
I benefici del biancospino sono associati soprattutto alle sue proprietà cardioprotettrici e cardiotoniche che favoriscono la dilatazione delle arterie coronaiche, e quindi l’irrorazione del cuore, e il potenziamento della tonicità del muscolo cardiaco (grazie ai proantocianidoli).
What is a skullcap?
The name skullcap refers to any plant in the Scutellaria family, though American and Chinese varieties are most commonly used in natural medicine. American skullcap ( Scutellaria lateriflora) is a perennial herb native to North America. In bloom, the plant is covered in tiny, tubular blue flowers, although color can vary ( 2 ).
What are the benefits of Chinese skullcap?
Native to China and parts of Russia, Chinese skullcap has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat allergies, infections, inflammation, cancer, and headaches. It may also have antifungal and antiviral effects.
What is Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)?
Chinese skullcap ( Scutellaria baicalensis) is an herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. A member of the mint family, skullcap is rich in nutrients including antioxidants known as flavones that reduce the effects of oxidative stress on various tissues in the body.
Is skullcap safe for children?
Neither American skullcap nor Chinese skullcap is recommended for children. Skullcap is available as an encapsulated dried herb, tea, fluid extract, and tincture. Speak to your physician to find the right form and dose for your needs. Chinese skullcap is often combined with other herbs into a preparation; follow dosing recommendations on the label.