Come si cura il Mycoplasma hominis?
Il trattamento utilizzato per debellare l’infezione da Mycoplasma hominis si avvale di antibiotici che interferiscono con la sintesi proteica, come l’azitromicina e la doxiciclina. I micoplasmi sono le più piccole cellule capaci di vita autonoma, con distribuzione cosmopolita.
Come si prende Mycoplasma hominis?
L’infezione da Micoplasma è sessualmente trasmissibile, si contrae con il rapporto sessuale e in molti casi è asintomatica è causata da un batterio chiamato Mycoplasma genitalium. L’infezione si puo contrarre mediante rapporti sessuali(vaginali, orali o anali) con una persona già infetta.
What is Mycoplasma synoviae?
Mycoplasma synoviae is a Gram-negative parasitic bacteria responsible for causing respiratory tract disease and synovitis (inflammation in the lining of the joints) in turkeys and chickens, although other types of birds are susceptible as well.
What is the transmission of Mycoplasma synoviae in poultry?
M synoviae is egg transmitted (transovarian), but the infection rate in breeder hens is low, and some hatches of progeny may be free of infection. Horizontal transmission is similar to that of M gallisepticum (see Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infection in Poultry ), primarily via the respiratory tract, with direct and indirect routes.
What are the hosts of Mycoplasma synoviae?
Mycoplasmas tend to be host-specific. The usual hosts for Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) are chickens and turkeys. However MS has been also isolated from many other birds species, including pigeons, ducks, geese, and even home sparrows.
What are the signs and symptoms of Mycoplasma synoviae in turkeys?
In contrast to infection with M gallisepticum, the clinical signs of infection with M synoviae are more severe and more associated with joint lesions in turkeys. Effects on egg production are usually not apparent, but instances of transient egg production drops have occurred in layer flocks.