Cosa significa la parola Aztechi?
m. -chi). – Relativo o appartenente agli Aztechi, popolazione indigena centroamericana, che all’arrivo dei conquistatori spagnoli (1519) esercitava il suo dominio su gran parte del Messico centromerid., oggi culturalmente del tutto ispanizzata: civiltà a.; lingua a.
Chi dominava sull intera societa Azteca?
La società azteca era di tipo piramidale’ che poneva in alto ad essa la nobiltà cittadina e i re dei principati. Successivi in importanza erano i sacerdoti. Nella fascia intermedia erano presenti tutti quei soggetti appartenenti al ceto produttivo. Ai piedi della piramide c’erano gli schiavi.
Quali erano le conoscenze degli Aztechi?
Gli Aztechi erano abili agricoltori, conoscevano il maggese e praticavano l’irrigazione; costruivano giardini galleggianti e ripartivano le terre. I loro prodotti principali erano: mais, fagioli, meloni, peperoni, vaniglia, pomodori, cotone, cacao, tabacco, ecc.
What does the name Azteca mean?
Of or relating to one of the early races in Mexico that inhabited the great plateau of that country at the time of the Spanish conquest in 1519. From Spanish azteca, from Classical Nahuatl aztēcah, plural of aztēcatl (“inhabitant of Aztlan”). The Nahuatl language.
What does Azteca mean?
In Nahuatl, the native language of the Aztec, “Azteca” means “someone who comes from Aztlán”, a mythical place in northern Mexico.
What are 10 facts about the Aztecs?
10 Fascinating Facts About the Aztecs. The Aztecs had an incredibly complex system social structure and believed strongly in education, family and art. Even their system of slavery was very detailed and not at all like what you would expect slavery to be. In short, while they may have been extremely psychopathic,…
Where does the Azteca originate from?
The Azteca was first developed in Mexico in 1972, from a blend of Andalusian , American Quarter Horse and Mexican Criollo bloodlines. From there, they spread to the United States, where American Paint Horse blood was added.