Cosa significa la sigla EF S?
Nel modello EOS 300D Canon ha introdotto una variante dello standard EF, ossia l’EF-S, dove la “S” significa Short-backfocus. Al contrario gli obbiettivi EF possono essere montati anche su fotocamere APS-C.
Come si chiama l’attacco Nikon?
L’attacco F-Mount, detto baionetta F-Mount o attacco Nikon F, è un tipo di attacco a baionetta per obiettivi originariamente sviluppato da Nikon per la fotocamera reflex analogica Nikon F nel 1959, e in seguito mantenuto dalla casa giapponese come standard fondamentale per tutte le sue fotocamere reflex.
Cosa rappresenta la F in un obiettivo?
Il rapporto focale, o f-stop, indicato con il simbolo ƒ (o f), indica il rapporto esistente tra lunghezza focale (F) di un obiettivo ed il diametro (D) del diaframma in cui entra la luce. Generalmente viene chiamato anche più semplicemente “diaframma” nella terminologia fotografica.
What is the EF mount on a camera?
The one-handed skillful operation of the EF mount allows changing lenses in handheld photography, since the other hand is freed to hold the camera body. When the EF mount was introduced in 1987, it had the largest mount diameter (54 mm internal) among all 35 mm SLR cameras.
What is the difference between FD and EF mount?
The EF mount replaces its predecessor, the FD mount. The standard autofocus lens mounting technology of the time used a motor in the camera body to drive the mechanics of the focus helicoid in the lens by using a transfer lever. The key innovation of the EF series was to use a motor inside the lens itself for focusing.
What is the difference between E-mount and Fe lenses?
There are FE lenses, but they all have E mount, exactly the same mount as E lenses. They can all be mounted on all E-mount cameras. The difference between FE lenses and E lenses (for APSC) is the image circle. If the image circle is for APS-C you get dark corners on a full frame sensor. (EF mount is the Canon mount for EOS cameras.)
What is the difference between EF&PL mounts?
In terms of film production, the PL is only rivaled by the EF & PV-Mounts. But, like the EF-Mount, it has a healthy third-party manufacturing pipeline. However, unlike EF, PL-Mount lenses can be extremely expensive and are usually reserved for major film production.