Cosa sono gli ospedali Spoke?
Gli ospedali hub operano in collegamento con i presidi ospedalieri territoriali (spoke), nei quali vengono assicurate le funzioni ospedaliere di base e l’integrazione con i servizi distrettuali (cioè si occupano di pazienti che richiedono cure a minore complessità o richiedono la prosecuzione di cure che non …
Cosa sono gli hub regionali?
In sostanza, una sorta di centro di smistamento dove le persone dovrebbero restare per poco tempo, per realizzare le operazioni di identificazione e formalizzazione della domanda di protezione ed essere poi trasferiti nei centri di seconda accoglienza, vale a dire nelle strutture della rete SPRAR.
What is a hub in a spoke?
The hub often contains the common service components that the spokes consume. Examples of common central services are: The Windows Server Active Directory infrastructure is required to authenticate third-party users who access untrusted networks before they access workloads in the spoke.
Why are spokes required in a hub-and-spoke architecture?
The spokes are required to forward the traffic to the central hub. This requirement is so that the traffic can transit to its destination in either the on-premises network or the public internet. An architecture with two levels of hubs introduces complex routing that removes the benefits of a simple hub-and-spoke relationship.
What is a spoke in a virtual network?
It’s a place to host services that can be consumed by the different workloads hosted in the spoke virtual networks. Spoke virtual networks: Spoke virtual networks are used to isolate workloads in their own virtual networks, managed separately from other spokes.
What is a hub-and-spoke network?
Spoke sites are connected to each other via Hub site. In Hub-and-spoke Wide Area Network (WAN) topology, the network communication between two spokes always travel through the hub. Wide Area Network (WAN) links are costly and they always involve a monthly bill payment to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for connectivity services.