Cosa vuol dire Black Sails?
The hell-bound ship’s black sails against the yellow Indies sky. Le vele nere della nave diretta all’inferno contro il cielo giallo delle Indie.
Quante stagioni ha Black Sails?
Black Sails/Numero di stagioni
Black Sails è una serie televisiva statunitense creata da Jonathan E. Steinberg e Robert Levine per il canale via cavo Starz, trasmessa dal 25 gennaio 2014 al 2 aprile 2017 per un totale di quattro stagioni. In Italia, la serie viene trasmessa dal 22 settembre 2014 su AXN (stagioni 1-3) e Sky Atlantic (stagione 4).
Dove è stato girato Black Sail?
4) La serie tv è stata girata a Città del Capo in Sudafrica (nei Cape Town Film Studios). Lo show è però ambientato su un’isola dell’arcipelago delle Bahamas. La costruzione dei galeoni ha richiesto la collaborazione di oltre 300 lavoratori.
Come finisce Black Sails?
Un teschio troneggia su due spade incrociate e la paura è il sentimento che imperversa tra l’equipaggio della malcapitata nave. La nave abbordata quasi non oppone resistenza, soccombe, e la ricca mercanzia passa al capitano Rackam, che vittorioso riprende il largo, come ha sempre sognato in Black Sails.
Who is Charles Vane to Eleanor Guthrie?
―Charles Vane to Eleanor Guthrie [src] Charles Vane was Captain of the pirate ship Ranger. Possibly the next great pirate captain on New Providence Island, he was known for his vicious temper as well as his tremendous financial success. After losing his ship and most of his crew, he killed Albinus and became the new leader of his crew.
Who is Charles Vane?
Charles Vane (c. 1680 – 29 March 1721) was an English pirate who operated in the Bahamas during the end of the Golden Age of Piracy . Vane was likely born in the Kingdom of England around 1680.
Does Eleanor have a relationship with Vane?
Eleanor’s relationship with Vane has since ended, but she has become the merchant queen and dominant authority in Nassau. At some point, as the pressures of ruling Nassau increased, Eleanor began a sexual relationship with Max, a prostitute. Originally, the relationship was purely transactional, with Eleanor paying her for her services.
How does Eleanor react to Vane’s trial and conviction?
Inflamed, Eleanor bloodies her knuckles on Vane. Meanwhile, Billy Bones rouses hatred for Eleanor as a tyrant, and the demand for Vane to tried fairly in Nassau, rather than be shipped off to England. This could give them enough time to mount a rescue. However, Eleanor catches wind of this and fast tracks Vane’s trial and conviction overnight.