Dove si trovano le vertebre L3-L4?
I livelli vertebrali più frequentemente coinvolti in questo tipo di patologia sono il tratto L4-L5 (cioè il tratto compreso tra la quarta e la quinta vertebra lombare) e il tratto L3-L4 (tra la terza e la quarta vertebra lombare).
Cosa significa Anterolistesi L4-L5?
Se è la IV vertebra lombare a scivolare in direzione ventrale sulla V vertebra sottostante si determina una “anterolistesi L4-L5”; se invece è la V vertebra a scivolare, sempre in direzione ventrale, sull’osso sacro ci si trova davanti ad una “anterolistesi L5-S1 o lombo-sacrale”.
Come dormire con frattura l3?
Il riposo è parte fondamentale della guarigione di una frattura vertebrale dorso-lombare, e la posizione supina ne è parte importante:
- Allineare la colonna.
- Dormire supini con un cuscino sotto le ginocchia in modo da mantenerle leggermente flesse; altrimenti sul fianco con un cuscino in mezzo alle ginocchia.
What are the intervertebral discs at the L3 L4 and L5 levels?
Intervertebral discs at the L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 levels (the third, fourth and fifth lumbar spine vertebrae and the first sacral vertebra) were evaluated for disc bulging and protrusion. These levels were investigated in this study as degeneration occurs most often and earliest in these three lower vertebral levels [17,19].
What is the difference between L1-L2 + L2-L3 and L3-L4 disc disorders?
Results: In the L1-L2 + L2-L3 group, 58% of the patients had previous lumbar disc surgery, compared with only 10% of those in the L3-L4 group, and 20% in the L1-L2 + L2-L3 group required a fusion during the procedure compared with only 10% in the L3-L4 group. These differences are both statistically significant.
Can disc morphology predict disc protrusion at the L5-S1 level?
In this paper, in addition to anthropometric factors, disc morphology was found to be useful in predicting disc bulging and/or protrusion at the L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels but not at the L5-S1 level.
What is the prevalence of disc bulging and/or protrusion at L3-L4?
The prevalence rates of disc bulging and/or protrusion at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 were 44.0%, 60.4%, and 43.6%, respectively. None of the participants were found to have extrusion or sequestration. There were 313 (70.0%) subjects experiencing low back pain within the past 12 months in this study.