Quanto dura il Buscopan?
In questo studio il BUSCOPAN COMPOSITUM® è stato utilizzato nel trattamento della colica renale acuta in 47 pazienti. I risultati mostrano come nel 72.7% dei casi si sia assistito ad un miglioramento significativo della sintomatologia dolorosa dopo 1h, con una ricaduta circa 24 h dopo la somministrazione.
Quando si può prendere il Buscopan?
Buscopan può essere assunto prima o dopo i pasti, anche a stomaco vuoto non è un problema, e le compresse vanno ingerite con acqua. La posologia della formulazione in supposte prevede la somministrazione di una supposta tre volte al giorno.
What is scopolamine (Scopolamine)?
Scopolamine comes from the Borrachero trees that are usually found in certain areas of Colombia. Interestingly, borracho in Spanish is translated to English as drunk, which is an apt description of the dangerous side effects this drug can have when used improperly.
What are the side effects of a scopolamine overdose?
The side effects from a scopolamine overdose can range from dizziness and blurred vision to convulsions or death. If a person is served an alcoholic drink mixed with the drug, the side effects can be intensified even more. Therefore, scopolamine is sometimes called the scariest drug in the world.
What to do if you have an addiction to scopolamine?
Scopolamine Addiction. Scopolamine is well known as a powerful and dangerous drug. If you believe you are the victim of scopolamine, you should contact the police immediately. If you think you may have a scopolamine addiction, you may want to consider treatment.
Can scopolamine be used as an interrogation tool?
Due to the amnesia-like side effects, Scopolamine has a disturbing history and has allegedly been used by corrupt lawyers when questioning suspects charged with a crime and abused throughout history as an effective interrogation tool. ~ Need More Information? Call 949-276-2886 ~