Quanto dura un viaggio spaziale?
Quanto dura una missione sulla ISS? Ad ogni nome dei membri dell’equipaggio è seguito, tra parentesi, dal numero di voli spaziali. La successiva abbreviazione CMD sta ad indicare il comandante della stazione. La lunghezza tipica di soggiorno per ogni equipaggio è di circa sei mesi.
Quanto costa viaggio con SpaceX?
Con un annuncio su Twitter Elon Musk ha annunciato il prezzo del viaggio per il futuro. Volare fino al pianeta rosso costerà tra i 100.000 a 500.000 dollari, a seconda di quanti coraggiosi parteciperanno. “Return ticket is free” ( il ritorno è gratuito )… cita ancora Musk, con una certa ironia.
What does the Virgin Galactic-Blue Origin merger mean for space travel?
The merger is expected to give Virgin Galactic a good headway against its rival Blue Origin in its race to take filthy rich tourists into suborbital space. Both companies are hoping to begin their commercial expeditions within a year’s time.
What is the difference between Blue Origin and galactic?
The Bezos-headed company is looking to send people over 62 miles above the surface of the earth, which could probably be a bit higher than the Galactic expedition. Also, Blue Origin’s rockets are fully automated, unlike Galactic, which does away the need for a pilot.
Should you invest in Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic?
With generous cash flow from its founder, Blue Origin hardly sees the need for public capital. Hence, if you are hoping to invest in space tourism, Virgin Galactic may be your sole option. Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo has had two successful trial flights to 50 miles above the earth’s surface in December and February.
What is the Blue Origin New Shepard rocket and capsule?
The Blue Origin New Shepard rocket and capsule fly autonomously, which means they don’t need crew. The capsule can fit up to six passengers. Bezos went to space in the capsule on July 20 with his brother. A teenage Dutch student and an 82-year-old woman were also on the trip as the first paying customers.